Come, Let Us Examine Ourselves in 22 Areas

Posted byEnglish Editor June 8, 2020 Comments:0

In Colossians 3:1–4:6, Paul lists about 22 qualities that ought to be desired, pursued, and present in the life of every Christian. Let’s take time and review our lives in each of these areas. Where needed, let’s confess our sins to God, ask him to help us repent, and set things right.

1.  WORLDLINESS [Col 3:2 “Set your mind on things above, not on earthly things”]

2.  SEXUAL PURITY [Col 3:5 “Put to death…sexual immorality, lust”]

3.  GREED [Col 3:5 “Put to death…greed”]

4.  ANGER [Col 3:8 “rid yourselves of…anger, rage”]

5.  BAD SPEECH [Col 3:8-9 “rid yourselves of…slander…filthy language…do not lie”]

6.  PARTIALITY [Col 3:11 “there is no Greek or Jew…but Christ is all, and is in all”]

7.  KINDNESS [Col 3:12 “clothe yourselves with compassion, kindness”]

8.  HUMILITY [Col 3:12 “clothe yourselves with…humility, gentleness”]

9.  PATIENCE [Col 3:12 “clothe yourselves with…patience”]

10.  FORGIVENESS [Col 3:13 “forgive…one another…as the Lord forgave you”]

11.  LOVE [Col 3:14 “put on love”]

12.  THANKFULNESS [Col 3:15-17 “be thankful…singing…with gratitude…giving thanks to God”]

13.  BIBLE STUDY [Col 3:16 “Let the message of Christ dwell…richly”]

14.  WIVES [Col 3:18 “submit to your husbands as is fitting in the Lord”]

15.  HUSBANDS [Col 3:19 “love your wives and do not be harsh with them”]

16.  CHILDREN [Col 3:20 “Obey your parents”]

17.  PARENTS [Col 3:21 “do not embitter your children”]

18.  EMPLOYEES [Col 3:22 “obey your…masters…work…with all your heart, as…for the Lord”]

19.  EMPLOYERS [Col 4:1 “provide your slaves [employees]…what is right and fair”]

20.  PRAYER (General) [Col 4:2 “Devote yourselves to prayer”]

21.  PRAYER (For Spreading the Gospel) [Col 4:3-4 “pray…that [others] may proclaim the mystery of Christ…clearly”]

22.  EVANGELISM [Col 4:5-6 “Be wise…toward outsiders; make the most of every opportunity…let your conversation be always full of grace, seasoned with salt…”]

Let’s remember, “the blood of Jesus…purifies us from all sin” [1 John 1:7] and If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just and will forgive us our sins and purify us from all unrighteousness” [1 John 1:9].


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