10 Day Prayer Guide For Persecuted Christians

According to one source, persecution of Christians is worse today than at any other time in history. The International Day of Prayer for the Persecuted Church (often abbreviated as IDOP), which falls on the 1st Sunday of November, is observed by many Christians worldwide. On this day, many believers pray for individuals, families, churches, and countries where followers of Jesus suffer hardships.
For 2020, this day falls on Sunday, November 1. While we should be praying for our persecuted brothers and sisters on a daily basis [see Hebrews 13:3], it’s still good to have a day that brings this need to our attention.
Attached is a 10-Day Prayer Guide designed to help one pray for suffering believers in the top 50 countries where persecution rages high. Would you consider doing that? Also, where possible, please prayerfully consider how you can financially help meet their material needs as well.
May our good and gracious Lord Jesus hear our cries on their behalf!
CLICK here for the Prayer Guide [PDF version]
CLICK here for the Prayer Guide [MS Word version]