Weep With Those Who Weep – What Not To Do & What To Do

Romans 12:15b calls us to “mourn with those who mourn” or “weep with those who weep” as some other translations render it. But this is easier said than done. Often, we are not sure how to reach out to those who are suffering.
Below are 10 suggestions that (hopefully) might be of help when it concerns ministering to the hurting. 5 fall in the category of What Not To Do and 5 in the category of What To Do. (Each of these points is elaborated in the blogposts whose links are given below!)
1. Don’t tell the one(s) suffering to just get over it.
2. Don’t promise full deliverance in this earthly life.
3. Don’t play the comparison game.
4. Don’t play the judge.
5. Don’t play the avoidance game.
1. Use the weapon of prayer.
2. Where possible, visit the suffering person(s) at their convenience.
3. Be a good listener.
4. Offer encouragement through the use of Scriptures.
5. Where possible, provide practical help.
In addition to the above, we must also learn to weep for those who DON’T weep for themselves. What do I mean? There are many of our loved ones and friends who rather than weeping for their sins and turning to Christ are totally indifferent to him. For such people, we must learn to shed tears as we cry out to God for their salvation.
Let’s remember, the Lord Jesus himself “wept” for the very people who would crucify him [Lk 19:41]. Even the apostle Paul had “tears” for those who lived as “enemies of the cross of Christ” [Phil 3:18].
Let’s use our tears for the glory of God!
Click below for a closer look at the above-listed points:
Weep With Those Who Weep—What Not To Do!
Weep With Those Who Weep—What To Do!
This is so helpful and timely. Thanks Ram uncle.