The Transformed Life – A Study Through Romans 12

Romans 12 is one of the most important chapters in the Bible that deals with Christian living. Below are 17 posts covering the entire chapter based on the various themes related to the new life. This post is offered with the prayerful hope that the reader will be encouraged and enabled to be transformed more and more into the image of the Lord Jesus Christ through the Holy Spirit’s power.
1. Offering Our Bodies To Christ (Romans 12:1)
2. Offering Our Minds To Christ (Romans 12:2)
3. Using Our Spiritual Gifts To Serve One Another (Romans 12:3-8)
4. 3 Characteristics Of Sincere Love (Romans 12:9-10)
5. Serving The Lord Enthusiastically (Romans 12:11)
6. Rejoicing In Hope (Romans 12:12a)
7. 6 Motivations To Endure Suffering – Part 1 (Romans 12:12b)
8. 6 Motivations To Endure Suffering – Part 2 (Romans 12:12b)
9. Faithful Praying (Romans 12:12c)
10. Sharing With Others In Need (Romans 12:13a)
11. Pursue Hospitality (Romans 12:13b)
12. Bless Your Persecutors (Romans 12:14)
13. Rejoice With Those Who Rejoice (Romans 12:15a)
14. Weep With Those Who Weep – Part 1 (Romans 12:15b)
15. Weep With Those Who Weep – Part 2 (Romans 12:15b)
16. Live In Harmony With One Another (Romans 12:16)
17. How To Respond To Those Who Hurt Us (Romans 12:17-21)