The Beatitudes

The most famous sermon Jesus preached that is familiar to many is called “The Sermon on the Mount” which spans three chapters [Matthew 5-7]. And the beginning section of that sermon found in Matthew 5:3-12, often called the Beatitudes, lists 8 attitudes that should be present in the life of everyone who claims to be a follower of Christ.
The complete series of posts, starting with an introductory post that explores all 8 attitudes, are listed below. Through the Holy Spirit and his Word, may the Lord Jesus Christ use these resources to change the reader to become more like him from the inside out.
1. The Beatitudes—Introduction
2. Blessed Are The Poor In Spirit [Matthew 5:3]
3. Blessed Are Those Who Mourn [Matthew 5:4]
4. Blessed Are The Meek [Matthew 5:5]
5. Blessed Are Those Who Hunger And Thirst For Righteousness [Matthew 5:6]
6. Blessed Are The Merciful [Matthew 5:7]
7. Blessed Are The Pure In Heart [Matthew 5:8]
8. Blessed Are The Peacemakers [Matthew 5:9]
9. Blessed Are Those Who Are Persecuted [Matthew 5:10-12]